Sunday, February 23, 2014

Renewing a Driver license in Jakarta

Very efficient. Less than 30 minutes. Provided you have no criminal record and already had a license in the past.

Total cost 145.000
No hanky panky.

Kudos to Polri for the improvement.

Love, liz

Sunday, February 16, 2014

My week in photos #9 2014

Here is my week 9 in photos

Typical scenes of these evenings...

My Phil & Teds double buggy stroller finally arrived

number Three sitting up so straight.

Number Two enjoying her encyclopedia with Walter Pen.

Three of them really like the buggy stroller. Went to the mall... 

jamie Oliver's lasagna. Jamieshomecookingskillchallenge#1

As I said I kind of started learning cooking. My cooking skill was non existent.
I am known to burn water, cook plain prepackaged pudding, and super salty inedible fish.

How do we manage the last 9 years I have been married?
Hehehe.. Here in Indonesia we are blessed with abundance of human resources to work as domestic helper. They cook. 

But deep down I know, I must start learning properly. And now is the time.

So here is my first attempt from Jamie's recipe. 
It was delicious.

I won't be posting its recipe coz you must get it yourself from his website here.

Come, join Jamie's cooking school too!

Love, Liz

My new year resolution 2014

Isn't it a bit too late? Better late than never, no?

Here is my 2014 to do list:

1. Learn cooking from my British Master Jamie Oliver. Heheheh... Basically autodidact,but he provided very comprehensive guidance in Very recommended.

2. Find some other cooking masters to learn from.

3. Learning furniture making.

4. Improve my sewing.

Other than that...sailing through 2014 with the whole family healthy, well and lucky. 

Sitting and...

I told you how fast time flies. Just a few days ago I took this picture of Number Three sitting for the first time.

And this morning he starts crawling.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

My medicine: Toplexil syrup

Toplexil syrup.  Cough medicine.

Work. Every. time. Since I was a child.

Keeping the label here for my easy reference.

So not to overdose

Friday, February 7, 2014

Auto memoir and photos of the week.

One more reason for me to diligently blog is to keep an auto memoirs.

I am a forgetful person.
And would like to keep those sweet memories alive.

Esp when seeing some old people with dementia and alzheimer :(

At least my memories are here to keep.

One fine afternoon

Hello there

Number Three got ear infection. Poor baby..